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Love Compatibility: Zodiac, Astrology & Relationship Match

Yuvika Khandelwal 0

Love compatibility can forecast how your relationship will develop in the future, in addition to letting you know how things stand right now. Moreover, love compatibility reveals the strength of your current bond, what makes it successful, and if you and your loved one are about to experience harmony or conflict in the future. Hence, you may determine whether your connection is likely to progress in the ways you want by simply entering the appropriate zodiac sign. Kudos if your sign and your partner’s sign align! Seamless times are predictable in advance

7 signs of relationship compatibility

When it comes to signs, when relationship compatibility is high, you’ll likely feel as though the partnership is effortless, says Kevin Coleman, a licensed marriage and family therapist from Columbia, South Carolina.

What makes it feel effortless can vary, but a 2022 study with participants from different countries suggests some traits are key, including:

  • openness to experience
  • humility
  • honesty

According to Dr. Cheryl Fraser, a Buddhist sex therapist from Duncan, British Columbia, common signs of relationship compatibility include:

  1. flexibility
  2. forgiveness
  3. friendship
  4. humour
  5. admiration
  6. team playing
  7. grace

Another important sign of compatibility is “the willingness to ‘let you do you’ and to let go of the need to be the same person,” says Fraser. “Because you are not. And that is what makes life, and love, interesting.”

Is relationship compatibility more important than love?

Compatibility may make the practice of love easier, but Coleman states he would pick love as the more important of the two.

“A lack of compatibility can be overcome if you work at it, but a lack of love will usually end a relationship,” he says. “So compatibility is an optional component of a relationship, while love is necessary.”

Can you improve compatibility?

You can improve compatibility, says Fraser, because it’s a choice between two different people to find a complimentary, common ground.

She gives the example of the extroverted, adventuring cyclist and the introverted, book-loving antique hunter.

While they may sound incompatible at first, their relationship may still work because they meet in the middle through shared intimate moments and acts of thoughtfulness.

“The next morning I’m up at dawn climbing into my biking gear,” Fraser talks through the scenario. “I kiss you softly goodbye and leave a steaming cup of tea on your bedside table.

“And when I drag my bruised, sweaty, happy self home, you present me with a tiny antique bicycle crafted from simple, twisted bits of scrap metal that you found when you pawed through a box of junk in a dusty, windowless shop.”

If you’re looking for actionable ways to improve couple compatibility, Fraser suggests:

  • creating a new shared interest you’d both like to explore
  • scheduling time for both individual interests and shared goals
  • celebrating and supporting your partner’s solo interests

Fraser also notes that it’s important to understand that differences don’t necessarily mean incompatibility.

It’s OK and natural to be different people with varying interests. Emotional security may be more important.

Irreconcilable differences may be the true “deal breaker” when it comes to relationship compatibility. For example, wanting versus not wanting children or only one partner expecting monogamy.

Most Compatible Zodiac Signs

Although the most in-depth look at astrological compatibility will come from looking closely at two people’s whole natal charts, you can generally find a natural compatibility between two people whose birth charts display trines between their planets. The trine — which indicates that two signs are four signs apart — is the most supportive, harmonious angle between two signs.

Basically, these are the signs that are in the same element as your sign. A quick refresher on which signs fall where — and are therefore trine one another:

  • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You might also consider signs that are sextile yours. These signs are two signs apart and fall under a compatible element. Fire and air are simpatico, as are water and earth. While the relationship isn’t as frequently celebrated as the trine, it’s considered friendly and easygoing. The signs you’re sextile to, based on your sign:

  • Aries: Gemini, Aquarius
  • Taurus: Cancer, Pisces
  • Gemini: Aries, Leo
  • Cancer: Taurus, Virgo
  • Leo: Gemini, Libra
  • Virgo: Cancer, Scorpio
  • Libra: Leo, Sagittarius
  • Scorpio: Virgo, Capricorn
  • Sagittarius: Libra, Aquarius
  • Capricorn: Scorpio, Pisces
  • Aquarius: Aries, Sagittarius
  • Pisces: Taurus, Capricorn

Least Compatible Zodiac Signs

Again, astrologers often warn against jumping to conclusions — positive or negative — based exclusively on your sun sign, but generally speaking, squares can indicate challenges in a relationship. The square occurs between signs that are three signs apart, and it’s pretty much the astrological version of clashing or head-butting.

Two signs that are square have the same quality (also referred to as quadruplicities): cardinal, mutable, or fixed. Cardinal signs excel at seeing the big picture but not so much with the details, mutable signs are the most flexible but can also struggle to commit, and fixed signs are resolute on their best day and stubborn as hell on their worst.

Having these traits in common might initially sound like the fast track to compatibility, but in the case of squares, too much of the same energy can spell conflict. The following signs are square one another:

  • Aries: Cancer, Capricorn
  • Taurus: Leo, Aquarius
  • Gemini: Virgo, Pisces
  • Cancer: Aries, Libra
  • Leo: Scorpio, Taurus
  • Virgo: Gemini, Sagittarius
  • Libra: Cancer, Capricorn
  • Scorpio: Leo, Aquarius
  • Sagittarius: Virgo, Pisces
  • Capricorn: Aries, Libra
  • Aquarius: Taurus, Scorpio
  • Pisces: Gemini, Sagittarius

The 12 points of love compatibility

Dr. Edward Hoffman is believed to have completed extensive research focused on the types of compatibility that can contribute to healthy long-term relationships. The 12 main points of compatibility, according to Hoffman, can include the need for companionship, idealism, emotional intensity, spontaneity, libido, nurturance, materialism, extroversion, aestheticism, activity level, subjective well-being, and intellectualism. Although not all 12 points may be necessary for a healthy, lasting relationship, it can be beneficial to have as many points of compatibility as possible. If you have questions about compatibility or would like to move past areas of incompatibility in your relationship, online couples therapy may be a valuable tool for you.

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