Long Distance Relationships can be very tricky. The possibility of success and the chances of failure are fairly balanced out in a Long distance relationship. Depending on various factors, these relationships can function just like those in which partners live close to each other. But it certainly does create an impact on the success of the relationships as well as minds.
If you are deciding to go for a long-distance relationship or not, you might be wondering:
- Is it right for you and the person you are with?
- Do long-distance relationships work?
- What is the most challenging thing about it?
- How often should you text or talk on the phone or visit each other?
- How do you stay present at the moment or happy, when you’re alone and not with them?
- How to maintain a happy, loving relationship?
What are the Potential Challenges and Problems in Long Distance Relationships?
There are many things which the partners have to share with each other especially when you reconnect after a long time. So, many times instead of making memories and enjoying the moments you have, you end up fighting on what you don’t have. The expectations are sometimes not met and you end up having more differences than you had before.
Travelling is one of those things that may affect the relationship the most. The cost of travelling is high and it also requires time from your side to travel to your partner. It becomes extremely difficult to be involved in a deep conversation without you meeting the partner. It acts as a barrier to the relationship and creates a gap between the two.
When it comes to communication, there are two things which screw up the relationship. One is the lack of communication and the other is miscommunication. Lack of communication makes people feel lonely. The sense of loneliness may make you or the partner sarcastic. It starts with one partner sarcastically telling the other partner how the relationship is not their priority. If this sarcasm goes overboard, it can become the primary source of miscommunication.
Possibly the most common problem in all the relationships and not only in LDR. Mis-trust is the one aspect which LDR are very prone to. Because of the physical distance between partners, partners may find it difficult to trust each other completely. Due to the lack of trust, partners may start pulling apart mentally, causing more harm than physical distance. Problems are innate in a relationship but it is the lack of trust between couples which poses a serious threat to relationships.
There is no doubt that a long-distance relationship requires some amount of sacrifice. But don’t put your life on hold under these circumstances. It is important to be considerate to not sacrifice more than it is necessary. It may lead to resentment and regret over the span of time. Couples usually isolate themselves and not live their lives up to the point and they may seem to be lost.
Sexual desire is like a glue that keeps both parties from drifting apart. By intimacy, I am not only talking about Physical intimacy but also Emotional one. Emotional intimacy is based on the deep knowledge of the partner we have. In the case of LDR, it may become very difficult to be aware of what the partner’s likes and dislikes actually are. Similarly, Physical intimacy comes from the comfort and the familiarity you get when you are close to each other. Whether it be kissing or hugging or sexual experiences. Due to the very limited time you get with each other, it is difficult to maintain the level of intimacy.
What are the top 13 tips to make Long Distance Relationships work?
It is best to establish a few parameters if you are in a long distance relationship or have just entered into one. It is better than falling prey to insecurities about the partner. You can make a list of the events which you need to work on and with that prioritize your partner’s time. It is important to prioritize so that your partner doesn’t feel left out. This can help you create an important framework that both of you can agree with and within which your relationship can foster. This also reduces the possibilities of misunderstandings, the space for disappointments, as well as the scope of negative interactions.
It is important to evaluate the duration for which the long distance will last, as obviously, it can’t be forever. The goals for the relationship must be known to both partners and reviewed once in a while in order to understand the pathways which you both are following.
Are the goals you both are looking forward to in sync? Are you both looking out for a long-term relationship or not? These questions clear the picture whether you both are on the same page or not. When you and your relationship is goal-driven, it makes it easier to plan things accordingly and would strengthen the bonds of love with the partner. It will instil a sense of security within you.
Whether together or at a distance, it is all about feeling connected. Technology in today’s world can play a big role in helping partners feel connected in a long distance relationship. Distance doesn’t necessarily mean missing out on having a physical presence. This is where technological advances like E-mail, Cell Phones, Text Messages, Facebook, Twitter, Skype offer resources to be in touch with one another.
Through technology, you can get easily connected. You can instantly be aware of what your partner is doing through social media. Social Networks can serve to compensate for the needs when your partner is away. Talking and updating about social connections is a feasible way to feel connected at a distance. This way you and your partner know about the people whom you are in regular contact with.
Keep the channels of communication open. It is essential for the success of a long distance relationship.
Your conversations with the partner should not always be about how much you are missing the other person or how miserable you are without the partner.
Be creative and discuss your future. You can also discuss what you will be doing when you meet each other next.
Know your partner’s Love language. This will help you understand how your partner expresses and expects to receive love. This can actually solve most of your misunderstandings.
Don’t just rely on general chat for communication. Come up with fun things to do together.
Watch movies at the same time together
Take a walk together
Cook the same meals or play a game together online.
Start having virtual dates to make it more romantic which shows that you are making an effort to make the relationship work.
Share the memories of those parts when you are together, in a different and creative manner. Try to indulge in each other’s hobbies and motivate them to pursue their hobbies.