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True Love: Definition, Description & Feeling of Finding True Love

Yuvika Khandelwal 0

The desire for love is universal. It’s rare to encounter a human being who has never yearned for true love, but what does the term even mean? We associate “true love” with fairy tales and Disney, or with extravagant weddings and romantic films about couples overcoming adversity together and building a beautiful life together. The concept of true love is even puzzling to researchers, with academic literature indicating love is an experience that boils down to a collection of emotions that further our ability to survive.

While there certainly is truth in this, from the drive to reproduce to the intense attachment that can provide support during the end of our lives, deep love can be hard to spot. It isn’t uncommon to wonder if you’ve found true love, or if the love you once thought was your end game is fading, and if true love even lasts. We’ve got you. This article will help you spot and learn how to nurture deep, secure, love in—hopefully—its truest form.

Characteristics of true love

1. True Love provides companionship

As humans, we seek companionship and support from our partners. Lovers stay by each other’s sides no matter what and through thick and thin – for life. True love celebrates the good times and provides a shoulder to cry on during the bad times.

You find true love when you are at peace with yourself. You can’t find love or happiness by chasing people or emotionally blackmailing them to be with you. It comes when you are completely comfortable in your skin and express gratitude for the little things in life.

2. True Love is based on Honesty and Loyalty

When honest and loyal love is around, there will be little selfishness. When you enter a union with someone that you love, you will give it your all. There will be no distance too far that you’re willing to go to make the other person happy. The magic part is your partner, if it is a great and powerful union, will be willing to do the same. Both of you will act in the best interest of the other with no suggestions. It will just come naturally.

3. True Love is unconditional

Though it is pretty self-explanatory, few people truly understand just what unconditional love really means. Real love is always unconditional and selfless. When you love a person completely without expecting anything from them, it is unconditional love. In fact, you may not even expect love and attention from them in return. You are simply grateful to the universe for their presence in your life.

4. Mutual respect

In true love, both partners recognize and value each other’s individuality, opinions, and feelings. They listen without judgement and show consideration for each other’s needs and wishes. Respect in true love means treating each other with kindness and honour, even in disagreements.

5. Honesty and Trust

Without honesty, you don’t have anything in a relationship. Telling the truth is one of the most basic ways to respect your partner. Unfortunately, there are so many opportunities to deceive our loved ones in our adult life. 

However, resist the temptation even to tell white lies to your partners. First, the truth will eventually come out. Second, to maintain trust and vulnerability, you don’t want to let little lies start to creep in and then become more significant lies. You both deserve honesty and respect as the foundation of your love. 

Nurturing true love in your relationship

Even if you consider your partner your true love, keeping a relationship takes time, effort, and commitment. Making sure you keep communicating with regular, open, and honest communication can be important to understanding each other’s needs as you grow together.

Spending quality time together can also help in building closeness in a relationship over time. You can do this by engaging in the same activities and hobbies.

In addition to this, regularly expressing gratitude and appreciation can help keep the love fresh and vibrant alive in the relationship.

As you progress in your relationship, therapists or relationship coaches can offer professional insights and guidance tailored to your unique relationship.

How to know when you are truly in love?

When you confide in someone that you’re falling in love, the initial reaction is often one of surprise. People may think you’re joking or perhaps getting ahead of yourself. Distinguishing between mere infatuation and genuine love can be challenging. Here we list down some key indicators that can help clarify your feelings. Read on to know more:

1. Open communication

Experts contend that love manifests uniquely for each person, emphasising three crucial elements: Intimacy, passion, and commitment. While not all are required simultaneously, exhibiting some suggests you’re on the right path. If you find yourself sharing personal details effortlessly, from academic achievements to relationship history, it’s a strong sign of true love. This openness creates a deep connection and fosters trust– key foundations of a lasting relationship.

2. Positive transformation

Love has a remarkable impact on your emotions. It induces a sense of warmth and happiness, making you feel more positive and helpful. It can even make you feel youthful and excited, similar to the enthusiasm of a teenager. This positive transformation not only affects your mood but also radiates into other aspects of your life, leading to increased overall well-being.

3. Understanding and acceptance of your partner

True love involves knowing your partner inside out— their feelings, joys, triggers, and reactions. It goes beyond apologies and centers on mutual understanding and acceptance. This profound knowledge of each other creates a strong bond, allowing you to navigate challenges with empathy and support.

4. Personal growth

Love should inspire personal growth. Choosing a partner slightly ahead of you in certain aspects allows for mutual growth. A supportive partner can elevate your abilities and productivity, fostering a positive self-perception. This shared growth not only benefits individuals but also strengthens the foundation of your relationship, creating a sense of fulfilment and progress.

5. Having similar habits and behaviours

Being influenced by your partner’s habits or inspiring them to adopt some of yours signifies mutual evolution and a connection that goes beyond superficial attraction. This shared influence not only strengthens the bond but also creates a sense of compatibility, where both partners contribute to each other’s personal growth and well-being.

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